Indian Registration Act Notes | Sponsored by MSR Law Books


Indian Registration Act Notes by Prof. M.S.Ramarao Sponsored by MSR Law Books

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About the Author Prof. M.S. Ramarao

   Prof. M.S.Ramarao, affectionately called MSR by his students, had over 30 years of teaching experience in educational institutions including several Law colleges, the Administrative Training Institute, and the Police Academy. He had rendered his valuable services to various Universities as a member of the Board of Examiners of graduate and post-graduate Law degrees. He authored over 40 law books for the benefit of law students and his books became popular even among government officials. 

    After voluntarily retiring from Sharada Vilas Law College, MSR continued to teach as a guest speaker at various Institutions. He has inspired thousands of students and when these students demanded that MSR go digital with his books, MSR accepted the challenge and offered his law via e-books

MSR has a unique background academically. 

     He received his B.Sc. degree in 1956 and a B.L. degree in 1959. He was then admitted to the Bar Council of India at Madras University in 1962. With an academic bent of mind, he continued his career and received his M.A in International Relations and World Organizations from Karnataka University. He also received his Master of Law in Constitutional Law and International Law from Madras University.

     MSR started his career in 1964 when he started teaching at Sharada Vilas Law College. He contributed his success as a popular teacher, with gratitude and respect, to his Principal the Late Sri K. Narahari Rao who was a brilliant Advocate and a disciplined soldier of Dharma Shastras. MSR later became a reader in Law and then the Principal of the Sharada Vilas Law College. He later voluntarily retired and started a private company called Law Services. Besides managing his company as a Director, MSR also served as a guest speaker at the training institutes as well as a part-time professor for postgraduate Law Studies at Mysore University.

    During his spare time, he prepared briefs for the High Court and the Supreme Court of India during the years, 1993 to 1996. After his visit to the United States in 2009, he started assisting the U.S Attorneys with legal drafting and research work, all remotely from India.

    In 2012, MSR offered a FREE download of books for his law students under the domain 

But why free? 

Inquisitive students asked: MSR answered with a quote from Rabindranath Tagore, “Where knowledge is free, Where the mind is led forward by thee, into ever-widening thought and action, Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, the great poet let my country awake”.

Professor M.S.Ramarao (affectionately known as MSR by his students and colleagues) passed away on June 20th, 2015

His vision for free downloads from this website will be honored and downloads will continue to be free. He believed in learning something new every day and used technology to develop eNotes for his law students who are from law colleges throughout India and other institutions including the Police and the Administrative Training Institutes.

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